Education and Training: University of California, Berkeley Chemistry A.B., 1969
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena Chemistry Ph.D., 1974
Research and Professional Experience:
Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor, Emory University, 1986-Present.
Chair, Chemistry Dept., Emory University, 1991-1994, 2003-2006.
Visiting Professor, Yale University, 2001.
Visiting Fellow, JILA
Visiting Professor, James Franck Institute, The University of Chicago, 1983-1984; Professor, IIT 1982; Associate Professor, IIT 1977-1982; Assistant
Professor, Illinois Institute of Technology, 1974-1977.
Fellowships: Visiting Fellow, Magdalen College, Oxford University 2011, Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship, 1977-1981.
Honors: Alexander von Humboldt Research Award 2018, Dudley Herschbach Prize
(Theory) 2013, Elected Member International Academy of Quantum Molecular Sciences, 2013, Festschrift Issue of the Journal of Physical Chemistry, 2013, Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2005; Fellow, American Physical Society, 1989.
Publication record: 524 peer-reviewed publications. As of July. 2019, H-index79 and more than 25,000 citations.
Grant Support: Roughly $8M in total from the National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Energy, NASA, American Chemical Society, etc.
Professional Service: Member Maria Mitchell Women in Science Symposium Committee 2018
Editor, Spectrochimica Acta A, 2011-present, Member, Review Committee Chem. Sci. Division, LBNL 2015; Member, PECASE selection Committee, 2015; Member, International Advisory Committee, Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Taiwan, 2013-present
Student Mentoring: Ph.D. advisor to roughly 25 students and advisor to roughly 20 postdoctoral reserach associates.