Associate Professor Department of Mathematics at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She received her Ph.D. in math from the University of Notre Dame in 2006. She was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Fields Institute in Toronto, and in the Department of Mathematics at The Ohio State University. Dr. Kelley's research is in coding theory, applied discrete mathematics, and applied algebra. Another research interest is in applying algebraic and combinatorial methods to coding applications such as flash memory storage, data streaming, and communication networks. Her research has been supported by an NSA Young Investigator grant (Spring 2011-Fall 2013) and by an NSF EPSCoR First Award (2009-2010). In Spring 2010, Dr. Kelley received the University of Nebraska's Harold and Esther Edgerton Junior Faculty Award for "creative research, extraordinary teaching abilities, and academic promise", and she was the Harold and Esther Edgerton Assistant Professor from 2010-2012. In Spring 2012, Dr. Kelley received a College of Arts and Sciences' Distinguished Teaching Award. Among other activities, she was a Mathematical Association of America Project NExT Fellow in 2008-2009 (New Experiences in Teaching). Dr. Kelley is currently a co-chair for the Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Math.