Amanda Hough graduated from the University of Massachusetts with a Bachelor's Degree in Biology and Masters in Education K-12 Administration from American International College. She is currently a Teacher at Mashpee Middle High School in her fifteenth year. She teaches Technology, Engineering, Robotics, and Intro to Computer Science at the secondary level. Amanda has been recognized for her innovative efforts in STEM Education including in 2020 as a Teacher of Excellence for Technology and Engineering by ITEEA, in 2019 as the Massachusetts STEM Teacher of the Year, and the 2019 MassTEC Technology and Engineering Teacher of the Year. Her Technology and Engineering Program was recognized as a Program of Excellence Award Winner in 2019 by ITEEA. She is the VEX Robotics Competition Team Coach which is 20 strong and boasts a girl powered group. She is a board member of MassTEC and member of the following professional organizations ITEEA, NSTA, MassCUE, and ISTE. She has presented at the previous professional organization’s conferences on the
following topics EPortfolios for Authentic Assessment of Project Based Learning, SeaPerch ROVS for All 5th Graders, Cross Aged Student Teaching through Robotics, Computer Programming, and Electronics Maker Projects, Creating a Scalable Robotics Program, and Connecting Globally through Engineering Projects. Amanda truly believes in cross age student teaching and collaborates frequently with teachers within her school district to create authentic learning experiences for all students. Amanda makes her home on Cape Cod with her husband Patrick, and four children Ryan, Sean, Ashlynn, and Brendan.